Jatin Nainani

MS in Computer Science University of Massachusetts Amherst

I’m Jatin, an AGI Enthusiast with a strong desire to conduct research. My primary interests revolve around acquiring an abstract understanding of intelligence with the help of AI. This includes building SOTA algorithms from scratch, creating interpretable networks, and drawing analogies from neuroscience.

Currently pursuing my Master of Science in Computer Science at University of Massachusetts Amherst. Working on Mechanistic Interpretability and efficient Deep Reinforcement Learning for my first semester.

I’m one of the Google DSC Solution Challenge ‘21 Global Winner, where I created a system to help Blind and Visually Impaired navigate their surroundings. I have also interned at AdSkate, Inc as a ML Research Intern solving various problems in automated image analysis and Multimodal algorithms.

I have worked in various Machine Learning Domains such as MultiModal AI, MultiDomain AI, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, Reinforcement Learning, and Time series Analysis.

You can contact me at: nainani.jatin.0@gmail.com

And you can find my Resume here: CV

Some of my ongoing projects:

  • Mechanistic Interpretability for Language Models
  • Biologically Inspired Models and Computation
  • Continual and Lifelong Learning
  • Efficient Deep Reinforcement Learning

What’s new about me?