
A list and description of all my professional work experiences.

Jan 2023 – Jul 2023

AdSkate, Pittsburgh, U.S.

Machine Learning Research Intern (Remote)

  • Automated video analysis of 100+ advertisements, leveraging Google Cloud, OpenAI APIs, and custom models, resulting in a 70\% reduction in manual analysis time.
  • Built multi-modal data processing, including text translation, categorization, and keyframe analysis, utilizing LLMs and Vision Transformers, improving data processing efficiency by 25\%.
  • Streamlined image analysis using ViLT Visual Question Answering Model and a custom algorithm, eliminating manual labeling and data entry, streamlining ad analysis workflow.

Jun 2022 – Aug 2022

AdSkate, Pittsburgh, U.S.

Software Engineering Intern (Remote)

  • Worked on Multilingual Article Categorization using Word Embeddings and Ensemble models to reduce the workload on the server from large-scale transformer models.
  • Cleaned and analyzed large text data of articles and news with hierarchical categories with spaCy and NLTK.
  • Deployed end-to-end APIs for web scraping, model benchmarking, and more with Flask and Heroku.

Dec 2021 – Feb 2022

K.J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai, India

Research Intern

  • Created Deep Learning based approach to detect Parkinson’s disease from 3D MRI images of the brain.
  • Preprocessed and augmented 3D MRI images from PPMI with TensorFlow to prepare the dataset for optimal training.
  • Performed skull extraction on the sliced images of MRI using BrainSuite to boost the model’s performance.

Jul 2020 – Dec 2020

Team KJSCE Robocon, Mumbai, India

Research Intern

  • Implemented PID tuning and Path Planning on a drone in Gazebo with ROS and OpenCV.
  • Explored SLAM implementation on the BOT using LIDAR and Binocular vision.
  • Trained Juniors in the field of Computer Vision and MATLAB Simulations.