
My experiences with teaching and in speaking events!

Somaiya Machine Learning Research Association (SMLRA)

Lead Mentor

Headed a student council of KJSCE with the aim to accelerate collaboration among students in AI research and development.

Speaker and/or Instructor of following events:

  • Machine Learning - 101 - Github, Recording

    Covered the working of popular ML algorithms like SVM, K-means, and Naive Bayes.

  • Data Handling & Visualization - Github, Recording

    Explained ways to work with Python libraries like numpy, pandas, Matplotlib, seaborn for ML.

  • Orientation Session with FYs - Recording

    Introduced Juniors to the concepts and terms of AI and ML.

  • Deep Dive into Ensemble Learning - Github, Recording

    Taught about the working of Decision Trees and Ensemble learning methods like Bagging, Boosting, and Stacking.

  • Reinforcement Learning - Github, Recording

    Explored the fundamentals behind the working of RL like MDP, Bellman equations. Covered the theory and implementation for RL Algorithms.